Undergraduate Campus Services

Nikki Majmudar

Vice President of Campus Services

Welcome to Campus Services! The Vice President of Campus Services (VPCS) is an operationally-focused position within SGA that works hands-on with campus operations and student services. The departments that fall under this position include Auxiliary Services, Parking & Transportation, Housing & Residence Life, and GTPD. The primary responsibility of the VPCS is to ensure that the student’s voice is consistently present in day-to-day operations and campus improvement decisions.


Tech Square Committee

Committee Chair: Turner Davis

This committee works with administrators and contractors in campus retail, advocating for
students on matters including Tech Square restaurants, the GT Bookstore, vending machines,
and the Community Market. This committee’s goal is to make Tech Square a space where students truly want to spend their time, advocating for retail and food options to become more fun, cheaper, and a better use of space!

Tech Dining Committee

Committee Chair: Soumit Guntupalli

This committee aims to improve Tech Dining in terms of diversity and quality of food options,
as well as make improvements to Student Center options. The Tech Dining committee is an
advocate for students on expanding late night dining options, enhancing the dining experience
in dining halls, and strengthening our catering programs.

Housing Committee

Committee Chair: Kaspar Pajo

The housing committee aims to work closely with the Georgia Tech Housing Department, RA’s,
students, RHA, and any other stakeholders to address concerns and gaps in the administration
as well as devise viable solutions for these problems. The Housing committee will also have a role in the Student Advisory Board for Housing coming in Fall 2023.

Updates from SGA