The Graduate Student Senate
The Graduate Student Senate (GSS) is the Legislative Branch of the Graduate Student Government Association (GSGA), and is the most direct voice of the graduate students at Georgia Tech. Consisting of graduate students elected from the various departments and academic units on campus, the Graduate Student Senate meets weekly to discuss and construct ways to improve the graduate student experience at Tech. Furthermore, GSS is responsible for:
- Expressing the position of the graduate student body on issues affecting student life
- Receiving reports on the allocation of the Student Activity Fee
- Approving relevant student appointments to officer positions and committees
- Modifying the structure and functions of the Graduate Student Government
- Approving all bylaws and constitutional amendments
Meetings of the Graduate Student Senate
Meetings of the Senate take place weekly on Fridays between 11AM and 1PM in Smithgall 117!
For more information about what will be discussed in each meeting, check out the agenda in the ” Meeting Agendas” link. Should you wish to address the Senate to communicate an issue or concern that you would like us to consider, please feel free to speak in Public Comment, a segment of our meeting reserved for members of the public who wish to address the Senate. Should you miss a meeting or should you want to reference the minutes from a past meeting, you can access all them through the “Meeting Minutes” link.
Graduate Representation
There are currently 60 Senator seats in the Graduate Student Senate divided among all Colleges and Schools at Georgia Tech based on that academic year’s graduate student enrollment. Additionally, there are 5 Senator-at-Large seats allowing 5 Senators to represent the graduate student body as a whole. Many seats are filled during the Student Government elections cycle, but all vacant seats in the Graduate Student Senate can be filled by nomination after elections.
Graduate Student Senate Chair

Will Reichard III, Chair of Graduate Student Senate
The Chair of the Senate presides over GSGA meetings, advises the Government on matters of parliamentary procedure, Georgia Tech rules and regulations, and amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws, nominates individuals wishing to fill a vacant Senator role to stand before the Senate, and creates and manages the voter polls in GSS.
Graduate Student Senate Vice Chair

Amitej Venapally, Vice Chair of Graduate Student Senate
The Vice Chair of the Senate serves in place of the Senate Chair should she be unable to fulfill her duties. As such, the Vice Chair is responsible for being fluent in the responsibilities of the Chair. Beyond that, the Vice Chair currently works to oversee many campus outreach efforts as well as the design and formation of the Senate committees.
Graduate Student Senate Secretary

Autumn Edwards, Secretary of Graduate Student Senate
The Secretary of the Senate is a role that is critical to our promise to transparency. The central responsibility of the Secretary is to diligently take minutes (summary notes) of each meeting and make them available to the public following their completion. Beyond that, the Secretary may also take on additional responsibilities that align with his or her personal goals.
Graduate Student Senate Treasurer

Christopher Jackson, Treasurer of the Graduate Student Government Association
The Treasurer of the Senate oversees all financial records of the Government. The central responsibility of the Treasurer is to prepare the Government’s yearly budget and present it for approval to the Senate. The Treasurer also serves a vital role in maintaining the fiscal health of the Government through guidance on policy and their role in the Joint Finance Committee.
Graduate Coordinating Officer

Maxwell Ogelsby, Coordinating Officer of the Student Government Association
The Coordinating Officer is a role that is critical to our collaboration with the Undergraduate House of Representatives. The central responsibility of the Coordinating Officer is to attend meetings of both the Graduate Student Senate and the Undergraduate House of Representatives and report the ongoings of each group to the other.
Want to bring something to our attention?
The Graduate Student Senate is always hoping to hear more about your experience as a graduate student at the Georgia Institute of Technology and to learn how we can make that experience better for you and the grad students who attend after you. Do you have something you’d like to share with us? A problem that you’d like to bring to our attention? Fill out the form below to send your comments directly to the Senate Chair who will respond and add them to the agenda to be discussed at an upcoming meeting.