About Student Government Association
“To empower student organizations, embody student opinions, preserve student integrity, and enrich the student experience“

Mission of the Student Government Association
Georgia Institute of TechnologyVision
“To help make Georgia Tech the best place in the world to receive an education: a place where students boldly pursue their academic and life goals, a place where there is widespread student access to on-campus resources and support, and a place where there is collaboration between students, faculty, and administrators“

Vision of the Student Government Association
Georgia Institute of TechnologyThe Executive Branch
The Executive branch has the authority to execute all necessary legislation and action in line with the decisions of the House of Representatives, the Statutes, Student Conduct Code, and Rules and Regulations of the Georgia Institute of Technology. The Executive branch is composed of the President and Executive Vice President (elected by the student body), the Executive Cabinet, committee chairs, and committee members.
The Legislative Branch
The Legislative branch is the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives has the legislative authority within the limits of the Statutes, Student Conduct Code, and Rules and Regulations of the Georgia Institute of Technology. Composed of members elected every Spring Semester by the Student Body and installed before the beginning of the next semester, they shall serve a term of one year or until their successors are installed. The House of Representatives represents the entire Student Body in all matters affecting student interest and can establish boards, councils, and committees to determine policy and implement decisions which fall within the jurisdiction of the Student Government.
The Judicial Branch
The Judicial branch, comprised of the Judiciary Cabinet, has appellate jurisdiction over all lower courts and judicial bodies which the House of Representatives may establish and serves as an appeals court for cases which have been referred to the Dean of Students by other judicial bodies. The Judiciary Cabinet has the authority to interpret this Student Government Constitution, Bylaws, and all policies, codes, and legislation adopted by the House of Representatives and has the authority to determine the constitutionality of the actions of the Executive and Legislative branches.