Student Government Association Coronavirus HQ
Coronavirus: Tech Moving Forward
To learn more about the Georgia Institute of Technology’s response to the novel coronavirus pandemic, click below to visit the Tech Moving Forward page. The Institute is proactively monitoring and assessing the outbreak to protect the health and wellbeing of the Georgia Tech community. This page will be updated with the latest information as it becomes available.
Coronavirus Resource Guide
The Georgia Tech Student Government Association’s Well-being Board has developed a Resource Guide with the latest COVID-19 guidance from Georgia Tech, information on where to find affordable masks, testing sites, vaccine locations, and updates from the Georgia Tech Covid-19 Recovery Taskforce.
Coronavirus FAQs
The Georgia Tech Student Government Association has developed a list of FAQs collected from the student body. This list is not all-inclusive and may change as new information is received. Many of these questions were addressed during the SGA Town Hall on Wednesday, July 22, 2020.
Coronavirus Resources
The Georgia Tech Student Government Association has developed a list of resources available to members of the student body. This list is not all-inclusive and may change as resources are added or removed by the Institute.
Testing/Safety Kit Locations
The Georgia Tech Student Government Association has provided a list of locations where students can receive face coverings around campus. This list includes locations for both reusable and single-use face coverings.
Coronavirus Updates
The Georgia Tech Student Government Association has provided several emails and social media updates on the status of Coronavirus at the Georgia Institute of Technology. To read these past updates, click below.
Georgia Tech Coronavirus Task Forces
In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Georgia Institute of Technology has established several task forces designed to address key issues on campus. Members of the Georgia Tech Student Government Association have been invited to sit on many of these task forces and provide student input on these issues. To see a full list of these task forces and the students that sit on them, please click below.
COVID-19 Joint Governing Board
On March 18th and 19th, through a special legislative session in both the Undergraduate and Graduate bodies, SGA passed a resolution to allocate $50,000 to fund COVID-19 response efforts. To learn more about the board and its work, please click below.
COVID-19 RSO-Pledge
SGA has asked Registered Student Organizations (RSO) to pledge to commit to their member’s safety during the return to campus this Fall. If you are a leader for a RSO and would like to sign the pledge, please fill out this form.