Will Miller (he/him)
Joint Vice-President of Finance
You can contact the Joint Vice-President of Finance through the following routes –
1. Email at finance@sga.gatech.edu or via Microsoft Teams (wmiller70).
Quick Links
FY25 Budget Orientation Info TBA. Please check back later.
Joint Finance Committee | Mode of Meetings for FY25
The Joint Finance Committee (JFC) will be holding all Summer 2024 meetings in a hybrid format. RSOs will be notified if they need to attend a Bill Hearing to discuss items requested. Attending RSO Representatives are advised to look at the request on Engage to see comments left by JFC that will be discussed during the meeting.
Summer JFC shall be organized during July and only when bill hearings are necessary. If no bill hearings are required for requests, than there will be no need for meetings over the summer.
For the Fall and Spring semester, JFC will host bill hearings on a specific day each week, and RSOs that have been requested to attend a bill hearing must be present. If a bill request is straightforward (as defined in the Funding Allocations Policy) then the submitting RSO will not need to attend a bill hearing and just needs to wait for approval to start spending funds.
To start spending funds, it is advised that the RSO contacts their SOFO accountant and access the SOFO website to spend their funds or request reimbursements.
Joint Finance Committee
Committee Chair: Will Miller
SGA’s Joint Finance Committee is a financial allocation body, chaired by the Joint Vice President of Finance, that is responsible for determining allocations of the Student Activity Fee. Other major responsibilities include but are not limited to, the preparation of a budget for over 400 student organizations, reviewing of bills, developing close relationships with student organizations, and ensuring the fair usage of allocated funds from the Student Activity Fee.
The Joint Finance Committee is often the main point of contact between SGA and student organizations. It is also responsible for ~$2 million of fellow students’ money. This places tremendous responsibility on the committee. The main goal is to foster the growth of diverse interests and communities on campus. JFC is a tightly knit team of students who are all committed to progress and service. Meetings are Thursdays 12:00pm to 2:00pm in the SGA Office, John Lewis Student Center, 3rd Floor). Supplementary meetings may occur as well.
Duties of the committee include meeting with representatives from student organizations to help them with receiving financial allocations, hosting budget sessions, drafting policy proposals, contributing to joint efforts between Communications, Information Technology, and any other branch in SGA.