Get Involved with Graduate SGA
Apply for 2025-26 GSGA President and Vice President Roles! Learn more here!
Executive Branch
Executive Committee Members
The Executive Branch of the Georgia Tech Graduate Student Government Association is currently seeking members for its Executive Committees. Committees work in different campus areas on issues affecting students across campus. This is the ultimate opportunity to affect change on a campus-wide level.
To learn more about the committees, click here. Interested parties should email the chair of the committee.
Legislative Branch
The Graduate Student Senate (GSS) is a directly elected representative body made up of Georgia Tech graduate students from every graduate program at the Institute. The body meets weekly to discuss financial bills brought by campus organizations, graduate student issues, and overarching campus projects. Senators work with their constituents and student organizations ultimately to enrich the student experience for every Georgia Tech student by passing resolutions and voicing students’ issues and desires to the administration.
It is a great opportunity to not only give back to the student body by amplifying their voices, but also to grow as a leader and a professional. GSS strives to make the student experience as comfortable and enriching as possible via the initiatives it implements and the issues it addresses, and we would love for you to be a part of this work!
For more information or questions, contact Senate leadership here
Judicial Branch
The Graduate Judiciary Cabinet, the judicial branch of the Graduate SGA, is recruiting new justices for the 2023-2024 academic year. The GJC serves two main purposes: (1) upholding non-academic integrity and (2) interpreting any actions or legislation of SGA to uphold the system of checks and balances provided for by the Graduate curriculum. A justice on the cabinet is an individual who demonstrates strong leadership capabilities, a passion to better the Georgia Tech community, and strong moral character. We hear a variety of cases, ranging from academic issues to social misconduct, and we serve alongside the Office of Student Integrity to achieve our mission. Many of the justices have found this to be one of the most challenging yet rewarding ways to serve the Georgia Tech community, and we continue to find each case more interesting than the last.
Applicants should have completed two semesters as a full-time student at an accredited university, be in good-standing with Georgia Tech, and be able to serve on the board for a minimum of two consecutive semesters (excluding internship/co-op semesters). Reach out to grad.president@sga.gatech.edu if you are interested in serving as a justice on the GJC.
Other Openings
If none of these positions suit you, and you are interested in getting involved with the graduate SGA, please email grad.president@sga.gatech.edu with some information on how you would like to contribute, and we will attempt to identify a right fit for you.