Undergraduate House of Representatives
The Undergraduate House of Representatives is a directly elected representative body made up of Georgia Tech students from every significantly populous portion of the student body including majors/colleges, classifications, international students, athletes, transfer students, & co-op students. The body meets weekly to discuss financial bills brought by campus organizations, student issues, and overarching campus projects. Representatives work with their constituents and student organizations ultimately to enrich the student experience for every Georgia Tech students by passing resolutions and voicing students’ issues and desires to the administration.
Speaker of the House

Noah Pastula, Speaker of the House of Representatives
The Speaker of the House is the chief officer of the legislative branch, responsible for presiding over the House of Representatives, facilitating discussion on bills and student issues, and setting the general direction of the body. In addition, they serve as the bridge between the House of Representatives and the student body at large, as well as the other undergraduate SGA branches.
The Undergraduate House of Representatives is composed of 54 Representatives elected annually during the spring election cycle. Representatives make up various academic, class, and special constituencies.
UHR Meetings
Meetings are open to all and take place every Tuesday at 7:30pm during the Academic Semester at Smithgall (Student Services Building) Room 117. Any student may address the body during Open Forum Discussion. Weekly meetings of the UHR will take place on BlueJeans.