Undergraduate Executive Branch
SGA’s Executive Branch works together to create policy, plan events, disperse surveys, and initiate other projects to help progress campus initiatives and improve the student experience. From Campus Organizations to Academic Affairs, each Board is led by a Vice President– a member of the Executive Cabinet– who operates uniquely in a way conducive to achieving the goals of their respective branch. The Executive Branch is a cohesive team that strives towards a common goal of upholding the mission of the Student Government Association and being a powerful force for positive change on Georgia Tech’s campus.

Shivani Virani
The Student Body President sets the guiding mission and vision the Executive Branch of the SGA. They work to ensure that SGA works to effectively empower student organizations, embody student opinion, preserve student integrity, and enrich the student experience. Primarily, the President serves as the formal student point of contact for news outlets, the state legislature, several Georgia Tech Board of Trustees, and other high-level advisory groups.

Julia Haley
Executive Vice President
The Executive Vice President serves as the principal advisor to the President. They must work with the President to manage the Executive Branch, create a cohesive Executive Cabinet, as well as develop the Cabinet as leaders. The Executive Vice President fills in for the President whenever they are unavailable, as well as undertakes special projects and initiatives throughout the year.

Will Miller
Joint Vice President of Finance
The Joint Vice President of Finance (JVPF) is the chief financial advisor for both the Undergraduate and Graduate Student Government Associations. They oversee the budget process and serve as the Chair of the Joint Finance Committee.

Meenakshi Prabhakar
Joint Vice President of Information Technology
The Joint Vice President of Information Technology (JVPIT) is on the Undergraduate and Graduate Student Government Associations and focuses on developing the strategic plan for the future of academic and campus life resources at Georgia Tech. The position heads the think-tank for the development/implementation of new technologies, maintenance,

Rohan Datta
Joint Vice President of Sustainability & Infrastructure
The Joint Vice President of Sustainability and Infrastructure advocates for the interests of the student body by advising the President on issues related to campus infrastructure and sustainability. Serving as a liaison between students, the administration and the Representatives, the Joint Vice President of Sustainability and Infrastructure is also actively involved in both the Undergraduate House of Representatives and the Graduate Student Senate.

Hunter Richardson
Vice President of Academic Affairs
The Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) is the official liaison between the undergraduate student body and many Georgia Tech academic units, including the Office of Undergraduate Education, Financial Aid, and International Education. With the responsibility of voicing the undergraduate student body opinion, the VPAA serves on multiple Institute-Wide Committees concerning Institute policy, curriculum, rules, and regulations.

Nikki Majmudar
Vice President of Campus Services
The Vice President of Campus Services (VPCS) promotes student opinion for campus services including Housing & Residence Life, Tech Dining, CRC, Stamps Health Services, and Auxiliary Services such as Tech Square, Student Center, Pharmabox, and much more! This position advocates for student perspectives with administration and is a liaison for enhancing programming, strengthening resources, and supporting students within Campus Services on Georgia Tech campus.

Thanmayee Kavuri
Vice President of Communications
The Vice President of Communications serves as the President’s chief advisor on student opinion. They are responsible for representing the Student Government’s voice on key issues to both administrators and students, overseeing SGA’s social media presence, publishing the SGA newsletter, and ensuring all campus stakeholders are informed of all current initiatives and proceedings within SGA.

Kayla Kirnon
Vice President of Student Life
The Vice President of Student Life is responsible for assessing and meeting the needs to better student life on Georgia Tech’s campus and be the voice to the administration as to how to fill the gaps of needs not being met on campus.

Chase Pettiford
Vice President of Well-being
The Vice President of Well-being is responsible for advocating for the health and well-being of all students on Georgia Tech’s campus. The Vice President works with students and campus leadership, and acts as the student voice to administration to ensure each student’s well-being needs are prioritized and met.

Andrew Berry
Vice President of Operations
The Vice President of Operations is responsible for promoting the interests of the executive cabinet by promoting an efficient, transparent, and cohesive student government. The Vice President of Operations reviews the constitution, bylaws and supporting documents, and policies, managing revisions when necessary. The Vice President of Operations also supports the President and Executive Vice President by sitting in on faculty meetings and serving as a third in command for any duties that need to be covered. Additionally, the Vice President of Operations facilitates the annual SGA banquet and retreat

Jeremy Leurart
Vice President of External Affairs
The Vice President of External Affairs focuses on increasing Georgia Tech’s presence in the surrounding community through civic engagement, community service, and collaboration with students and organizations in Atlanta and Georgia. External Affairs pursues meaningful engagement with political and community leaders and representation of Georgia Tech students’ interest in government. Additionally, External Affairs seeks to ensure Georgia Tech serves as a responsible partner to our Atlanta community and students feel connected to our vibrant city.